At Chinalco Peru we drive safely
At Minera Chinalco Peru, our collaborators and contractors drive safely, respecting and complying with the Decalogue of the Good Driver:
1. Perform a PRE-USE inspection of your vehicle before you start driving.
2. Check the tire nut.
3. Do not drive without all vehicle occupants wearing seat belts.
4. Keep the lights on and in the same way the circle and pole where indicated.
5. Do not use the cell phone while driving.
6. Stop if you are tired and sleepy.
7. Respect the speed limits, traffic signs and the indications of the lookouts that regulate traffic.
8. Adapt and take a preventive attitude towards road conditions and weather conditions.
9. Drive responsibly without negligence or reckless behavior.
10. Be sure to check your surroundings before performing a reverse maneuver.