At Minera Chinalco Peru, our collaborators and contractors drive safely, respecting and complying with the Decalogue of the Good Driver:
1. Perform a PRE-USE inspection of your vehicle before you start driving.
2. Check the tire nut.
3. Do not drive without all vehicle occupants wearing seat belts.
4. Keep the lights on and in the same way the circle and pole where indicated.
5. Do not use the cell phone while driving.
6. Stop if you are tired and sleepy.
7. Respect the speed limits, traffic signs and the indications of the lookouts that regulate traffic.
8. Adapt and take a preventive attitude towards road conditions and weather conditions.
9. Drive responsibly without negligence or reckless behavior.
10. Be sure to check your surroundings before performing a reverse maneuver.
Its healing properties were known from ancient Greek and Roman cultures, but today it is confirmed that it is a great antiseptic metal because it effectively fights infections and prevents infections.
It is used in the facilities of hospitals, especially in elements and surfaces of frequent contact such as door handles. On the other hand, copper-coated scalpels allow electricity to be conducted so that the hot blade has a cauterizing effect, points out the European Copper Institute.
Mario Esparza Mantilla, doctor in Microbiology from the University of Chile and the University of Goettingen (Germany), argues that Peru should use copper to develop a biosafety clothing industry with antiviral properties, masks, face shields, gloves, shoes, as well as copper infrastructure (hospital facilities, furniture, medical instruments, respirators with additive synthesis with nanoparticles and copper filters, among others). Dr. Esparza also suggests that antimicrobial copper surfaces should be used in public transportation to minimize the impact of infections such as COVID-19.
On Tuesday, April 6, the graduation ceremony of the II COVID Brigade of Minera Chinalco Peru was successfully held.
This second Brigade is made up of workers from Chinalco Peru and from our different contractor companies.
We congratulate the recent graduates for their interest in ensuring the good policies that will keep us safe from the pandemic!
Minera Chinalco Peru has marked a new milestone by having received the certifications of authorized economic operator (OEA), for imports and exports, granted by the National Superintendency of Tax Administration (SUNAT), after careful evaluations.
A company with AEO has access to a series of benefits to safeguard the security of the processes and the people involved in foreign trade management, which translates into greater competitiveness.
This represents an achievement and a contribution to the global logistics chain, a merit that results from the dedicated management of Chinalco Peru.